Sintaxis. Revista científica del Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada is a publication by the Research Center for Applied Communication (CICA) of the School of Communication at Universidad Anáhuac.

It is issued biannually and is aimed at researchers, academics, professionals and communication scholars.

The magazine’s mission is to publish articles originating from the work carried out by researchers around topics of interest for the development and improvement of society, culture, democracy, technology, innovation, institutions, organizations; also that they contain a communicative view set on social reality where knowledge and the views of different disciplines may converge, but highlighting the essence of communication, which emerges from each problem that is researched.


2021: Edición Especial: 50 Aniversario de la Facultad de Comunicación

In this special issue of the Sintaxis magazine, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad Anáhuac México, we want to give an account of the contribution to knowledge and training in the field of communication that has been given to Throughout these years, by way of Remembering the past, Celebrating the present and Imagining the future.
Today more than ever we are sure that taking half a century of trajectory as a starting point drives us and motivates us to create new spaces, new paths, new routes to consolidate the achievements obtained and move towards the achievement of ever higher, broader goals. and more important for the entire community that makes up our Faculty: students, professors, researchers, administrators and support staff. Thank you for joining us in these first 50 years, we hope that this special issue will undoubtedly help us to Remember, Celebrate and Imagine.



Digital communication for organizations and social responsibility, p. 16

Ethics of communication: social and political immunology, p. 30

Lights at night: sustainability, the city from a historical horizon and cinematographic communication, p. 50

Comprehensive marketing and branding, p. 65

Hypermedia communication and young people, p. 83

Power, legitimacy and urgency of the social responsibility of organizations through advertising for sustainable development, p. 96

Big data, digital media and society: challenges for communication research, p. 111

Training in Communication and Internationalization, p. 124

Training of professionals in entertainment, p. 144

The training of scientific researchers in Communication Sciences, p. 155

Published: 2021-10-12

Carta de los editores

Rebeca-Illiana Arévalo-Martínez, Dra., Rogelio Del Prado Flores, Dr.


Comprehensive marketing and branding

Carlos Cienfuegos Alvarado, Mtro., Elisa Ramos Canales, Mtra., Cristina Rábago Rojas, Mtra.


Hypermedia communication and young people

Jorge Alberto Hidalgo Toledo, Dr., Luis Felipe Ramírez Alvarado, Dr.


Training of entertainment professionals

Carlos Cienfuegos Alvarado, Mtro., Giselle Escalante Castillo, Mtra.


The Education of Scientific Researchers in Communication

María Antonieta Rebeil Corella, Dra., Rebeca-Illiana Arévalo-Martínez, Dra., Rogelio Del Prado Flores, Dr.


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