
Editorial, p. 6
Institutional, organizational and communication studies, p. 9
Institutional, organizational and communication studies; a line of generation or application of knowledge within the Doctorate in Communication Research, p. 10
The responsibility of private organizations and the third sector in the construction of a culture of peace, p. 21
The Mexicali maquiladora industry and aspects of its operation, p. 32
Organizational culture in the use of information and communication technologies in the municipal high school of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, p. 43
The case method: a very useful tool, p. 57
Social reality, public policies, communication and technology, p. 64
Social reality, public policies, communication and technology; a line of generation or application of knowledge within the Doctorate in Communication Research, p. 65
The importance of the interview technique in communication research and the social sciences. Documentary research. Advantages and limitations, p. 78
High-Rise: The Four Capitals App, p. 94
Dialogical intimate communication: Socrates, p. 106
Neoliberal politics, its repercussions and its relationship with family communication in academic development in Michoacán, p. 118
Informative coverage of violence linked to drug trafficking in Tijuana during the historical conjunctural period, 2008-2011. The case of the newspapers El Mexicano and Frontera, p. 142

Interviews, p. 177
Perspectives of communication research in Mexico: Interview with Dr. Elvira Hernández Carballido, president of the Mexica Association


Published: 2021-10-14

El método del caso: una herramienta de gran utilidad

Carlos Cienfuegos Alvarado, Mtro., Delia Guadalupe Gómez Morales, Dra., María Antonieta Rebeil Corella, Dra.


High-Rise: la aplicación de los cuatro capitales

Alicia Helena Hernández Barba, Mtra., Gerardo González de las Peñas, Lic.


La comunicación íntima dialogal: Sócrates

Helen Keller Kewes, Dra., Eduardo De la Paz Castañeda, Dr.
