The presence of women in management positions

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Miguel Ángel Axtle Ortiz
Lorena Caro-Guzmán


Women participation in the business world, specifically in managerial positions, has gradually increased in Mexico and in other several countries; however, the ideal state of female participation equally to men’s is still distant. This paper analyzes the recent advances of women in this area, considering the commonly associated determinants (such as educational level and emotional feminine personality) and it also identifies causes not yet broadly known because of their recent evidences (such as violence towards women of higher educational and economic degree).


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How to Cite
Axtle Ortiz, M. Ángel, & Caro-Guzmán, L. (2017). The presence of women in management positions. The Anáhuac Journal, 17(2), Pág. 53. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Axtle Ortiz

Miguel Ángel Axtle Ortiz tiene un doctorado en Capital Intelectual, por la Universidad Anáhuac México, MBA Thunderbird, School of Global Management-EGADE Business School, Arizona State University y en el ecnológico de Monterrey. Es ingeniero mecánico administrador, por el Tecnológico de Monterrey y es profesor en los niveles de doctorados, maestrías y posgrados.

Lorena Caro-Guzmán

Lorena Caro-Guzmán tiene doctorado en Administración, por la Universidad Anáhuac México; es maestra en Alta Dirección por Universidad Anáhuac México; licenciada en Actuaría por la UNAM y es profesora en licenciaturas, maestrías y posgrados.