Educational experiences and pandemic, a reflection since Cibercultur@
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This article proposes an analysis exercise on the organization processes which have been generated in the educational aspect in regions of Latin America that are characterized by high marginalization from the experience of health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, from some contemporary approaches to communication for development such as communication for social change, cybercultur@, the social engineering of communication and the culture of participation. The article is organized in three parts, the first one presents in a general way the profile of the Latin American proposal of communication for development that begins in the seventies of the 20th century. In the second one, some characteristics of urban societies that have been configuring their information system are mentioned based on the relationship they establish with traditional and new media, and in the final part, the outline of a proposal for analysis is outlined that allowed identifying the modes of action in the educational field in unfavorable material situations.
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