Theme and scope

Iuris Tantum is a semi-annual publication edited by the Legal Research Center of the Law School of the Universidad Anáhuac México.

Its objective is to contribute to the dissemination of high-impact research and reflections in the areas of law, social sciences, public administration, political science and strategic intelligence; Likewise, it contributes to the dissemination of specialized literature through reviews and critical notes.

The magazine allows immediate free access to its contents.


Continuous reception of manuscripts

The receipt of articles for opinion and probable publication by Iuris Tantum is available continuously.


Manuscript processing time

The average processing time for manuscripts is six months.


Section Policies

- Monographic: Coordinated by an academic of recognized prestige, the issues of the magazine will have a thematic section. The coordinator will issue a call to participate in it, and the articles received will be subject to the double-blind arbitration policy.

- Varia: Original academic contributions will be received permanently, and after their acceptance in the evaluation and arbitration process, the accepted articles that are related to the themes of the journal will find a space in this section.

- Reviews: Reviews of current books, or of classics of specialized literature that are related to the thematic lines of the Iuris Tantum magazine will be accepted.


Peer review process

The articles will be submitted by the authors to the journal's platform at OJS. Two anonymous reviewers will be automatically assigned to you, following the double-blind policy, they will evaluate all the articles in the Monographic and Varia sections. Only those accepted and those that comply with the indicated recommendations will be published. In case of discrepancy between the reviewers, the article will be submitted to a third opinion.

The paragraphs of the heading for the opinion of articles are: 1) Opinion. Main contribution; (2) General report; 3) Classification of the article.


Open Access Policy

Iuris Tantum provides open access to its content on the principle that research is freely available to the public that supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Therefore, there is no charge to authors for sending, processing and / or publishing articles.

All the intellectual content found in this periodical publication is licensed to the consumer public under the figure of Creative Commons ©, unless the author of said content has agreed otherwise or limited said faculty to "Iuris Tantum" © or "Universidad Anáhuac ”© in writing and expressly.

Iuris Tantum is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Code of ethics

Iuris Tantum magazine adheres to the code of conduct and good practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Indexes, directories, databases

The Iuris Tantum magazine can be found in Vlex, MIAR, Latindex Directory, PKP Index, Sherpa Romeo  and Repository of the Biblioteca Anáhuac México Norte.



All the intellectual content found in this periodical publication is licensed to the consumer public under the figure of Creative Commons ©, unless the author of said content has agreed otherwise or limited said faculty to "Iuris Tantum ©" or "Universidad Anáhuac México © ”in writing and expressly.

Iuris Tantum is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The author retains the economic rights without restrictions and guarantees the journal the right to be the first publication of the work. The author is free to deposit the published version in any other medium, such as an institutional repository or on his own website.


Digital preservation policy

Internally, Iuris Tantum keeps in its writing all the documents that it publishes electronically.

Institutional preservation. The Directorate of Technological Services of the Universidad Anáhuac México supports and protects its online page.

The Anáhuac Mexico University Library houses the journal not only for its consultation, but also for its preservation; In addition, it is creating an integrated and more robust institutional repository.


Interoperability protocols

This journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published contents.

Route for harvesters: 


Social Media

• Coordinación de Publicaciones de la Universidad Anáhuac México en Facebook: Libros Anáhuac 


Privacy Policy

Names and e-mail addresses provided via this website will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in our Privacy Notice.

By sending this information, I consent that the personal details that I provide will be treated, for the time that is deemed adequate, by Universidad Anáhuac México, private institution of post-secondary education which operates at their Campus Sur via Universidad Anáhuac del Sur, S.C., and their Campus Norte via Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores, S.C., only for the purposes established in their integral privacy notices, which I declare to know and which were given to me previously at the following URL: