Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission file is in Word format (.doc or docx format).
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors.
  • Once delivered, the article will be sent to the Publishing Committee for its revision. This committee will determine if the article has been written according to guidelines and general publishing criteria.
  • All articles will be submitted to plagiarism detection programs. In case of being considered flagrant or partial plagiarism, the document will be rejected immediately.
  • Iuris Tantum uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS), hence all manuscripts submitted by authors must be entered into this system. For this, the authors need to register and send their articles together with the Letter of Originality and the Authorization for public communication of literary work (signed and in pdf) in the same shipment.
  • Author's name with an asterisk footnote that shows his affiliation and email address.
  • Include title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal.

 The originals will be submit through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform. For this, the authors need to register and send their contributions accompanied by the Letter of Originality and the Authorization for public communication of literary work, signed and in pdf.

The author will undertake to sign a letter of authorization to the journal for the manuscript to be reproduced in printed or electronic format.

1. Letter of Authorship

Every author and co-author must sign it, including their details.   


2. Authorization for the Public Disclosure of Literary Work (article)



Iuris Tantum does not charge authors fees for submitting, processing and / or publishing articles.

Calls to:

Send scientific articles or reviews to Iuris Tantum Journal in order to consider their publication.

Our journal will be published on a biannual basis and will have a multidisciplinary vocation. The purpose the Iuris Tantum Journal is to contribute to the publication of high-impact research in areas such as law, public administration, strategic intelligence and, in general, of all the social sciences that, to the consideration of the Editorial Council, meet the Law School´s editorial policies.

Unpublished works that are submitted will subject to a strict reviewal process performed by anonymous peers who are specialists in the aforementioned topics, in a double-blind modality. The entirety of the process is managed through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, which ensures a transparent process and the quality of the publications.

1. Indications for submitting an article for an opinion:

a) Each article must contain the paper´s title, author´s name, for which a footnote with an asterisk that shows its affiliation and email address must be added.

b) In regards of articles that aren´t written in Spanish, the title must be translated into Spanish.

c) All articles must include a summary and an abstract written Spanish and English, with a 100-word maximum.

d) Five keywords in Spanish and English must be included.

e) The paper shall meet the following requirements: 15 pages long at the minimum and 30 pages long at the maximum, must have a 1.5 spacing, font shall be Times New Roman or Arial 12.

f) UNAM´s Institute for Legal Research Editorial Guidelines (lineamientos editoriales del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM) must be followed.

g) Once the article has been submitted, it will be referred to the Editorial Committee for its reviewal and it will be determined whether the manuscript fits the editorial line, complies with the presentation guidelines, and meets the general publication criteria.

h) All articles will be subjected to plagiarism detection programs. In the event a document has been identified as a case of flagrant or partial plagiarism, the document will be immediately rejected.

2. Editorial guidelines for sending reviews

a) The Iuris Tantum journal will publish its reviews of recently published academic books that fit their editorial content.

b) A critical point that will determine whether the review will be included or not in the journal is that it must not be a summary of the reviewed book, but a critical opinion, which takes in consideration other papers on the same topic in order to properly place it within a specific bibliographic context. Also, the paper must have a clearly defined structure and a wording that allows a proper comprehension.

c) Reviews must have a minimum length of 1,500 words (approximately 4 pages) and a maximum of 5,000 (10 pages approximately); the full name of the author of the review along with the institution it its part of must be clearly shown at the review´s ending.

d) A bibliographic record of the reviewed book must be fully shown at the beginning of the text (name, title, place of publication, publisher, year, number of pages and ISBN). For example:

Yovana Celaya Nández and Graciela Márquez Colín (eds.), De contribuyentes y contribuciones en la fiscalidad mexicana, siglos XVIII-XX, México, El Colegio de México, Universidad Veracruzana, 2018, 397 pp. ISBN: 978-607-628-414-8 (El Colegio de México), 978-607-502-694-7 (Universidad Veracruzana).

e) Authors must send their collaboration in a Word format, using the following specifications: Times New Roman font, 12 points, 1.5 spacing.

f) All collaborations that do not meet these guidelines will be rejected.

g) The Editorial Board will acknowledge their receipt of the original texts within 7 business days of its receival.

3. Editorial guidelines for sending proposals to form a Dossier or a Monographic topic

a) Authors may submit proposals to the editor (carlos.becerrilh@anahuac.mx) to carry out a monographic section within the journal. They must present at least 6 authors, maximum 10, along with their proposed titles.

b) The monograph must be approved by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

General notes:

Both articles and reviews must contain the following characteristics:

a) They may be written, in addition to Spanish, in English, Portuguese, Italian and French.

b) They must be proposed by the authors directly to the OJS system, at the following address: https://revistas.anahuac.mx/iuristantum/about/submissions  

c) They must be accompanied by the following documents, which can be found at the same electronic address:

     1. Letter of originality

     2. Authorization for public communication of literary work (article or review)



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