Transformations and inertias in the levels of internal productive communication in Universities in the xxi century and the impact of accreditation processes on academics in Northwest Mexico, in the context of the pandemic
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The article documents the articulation and investigation of four universes: internal communication, ethics, academics from public universities and the impact of accreditation models on them. The main interest was to explore the attitudes and reception of the practices of follow-up, encouragement and recognition of the communication of academic evaluations. Methodologically, exploratory work was carried out in a mixed way, a self-administered instrument and semi-structured interviews were applied to a sample of teachers assigned to the Communication Sciences educational program of a public university in Mexico. The results show, so far, that internal communication does not generate conditions of integration among teachers, does not coordinate the activities of teachers, perceiving in teachers a negative attitude towards accreditation processes, which was precipitated in the context of the pandemic. It works from the levels of productive communication.
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