The Organization from the Communication Theory’s Standpoint. Between Traditions and Metaphors

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Tanius Karam


This article aims to explore the contributions that the Theory of Human Communication can make to the study of organizations. We approached this question as follows: we first examined the definition of organization in general terms, from the various levels of human communication; then we looked at how the communication-organization relationship is explained by the academic communication traditions defined by Robert Craig and further refined by Littlejohn and Foss. The second part of the article explores some of the metaphors conventionally used to define organizations and, based on these, examines the communication concept. Finally, from the range of existing applied theories, we summarize the strategic theory put forward by Sandra Massoni which builds upon the idea of organizational communication as meta-communication.


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How to Cite
Karam, T. (2020). The Organization from the Communication Theory’s Standpoint. Between Traditions and Metaphors. Sintaxis, 1(4), 29–49.
Author Biography

Tanius Karam, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México

Profesor Investigador Academia de Comunicación y Cultura. Doctor en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 2, colaborador en la revista Zócalo, autor de decenas de textos sobre teorías de comunicaciones y aplicaciones de los estudios semiótico-discursivos al análisis de los mensajes de los medios y nuevas tecnologías de información.


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