Approach to the external communication of organizations dedicated to the sale of coffee and its customers, in the city of Mexicali
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The sale of drinks based on coffee is a business opportunity that has been identified by some entrepreneurs of the region, who have the support of products from a coffee country like ours, thanks to that, they have managed to position their products by giving an attractive service for customers, a space of socialization, entertainment or relaxation. But what other strategies should remain to continue in the preference of their customers? We propose an approach to its external communication directed to customers with the support of the made in Mexico. A study was conducted of the current state of the media and how they are perceived, from a sample of 168 customers of various coffee shops, described their habits and preferences of types of coffee, their opinion about the media and the care they receive from employees. The proposal is not to improvise, but to propose strategies, improve advertisements, diversify the media and promote greater proximity with customers through such financial means for companies of this type.
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