The rights of audiences: a deconstructive look at the principles of television performance in Latin America
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This study makes a deconstructive analysis of the principles of action of television stations in Latin America, in order to highlight the paradoxes that make up the being and the performance of the industry with the greatest influence in society. The deconstruction is a political gesture that responds to the debt with the heteronomous justice. So, the objective is to deconstruct the operational frameworks and to know how important it is for television broadcasters to publish the rights of the audiences. This study shows that no television station, from a sample of 10 companies, complies with the commitment to publish on its web pages the rights of audiences proclaimed by different organizations, such as the United Nations Organization, and other international bodies responsible for establishing Fundamental rights of the human being, which shows us that the television channels are managed according to their own interests, and not as a service of public interest in favor of democracy. This study shows, therefore, that television is not an ally in the formation of a participatory citizenship.
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