Big data, digital media and society: challenges for communication research

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Roberto Alejandro López-Novelo, Dr.


Currently, communication research faces a level of complexity never seen before for the discipline, this is due, among other phenomena, to the presence of the Internet and a series of digital environments through which users generate millions of data on topics political, social, economic, cultural, educational, advertising, marketing, etc., in various formats that are available to be analyzed and used by researchers. It is in principle to visualize the Internet as a social space in which people, institutions, organizations and even computer systems generate and carry data; and, to know the new and innovative research methods that currently exist to carry out the formal analysis of data. One of the most widely used methods today is Big Data, which allows communication researchers to carry out innovative research.


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How to Cite
López-Novelo, R. A. (2021). Big data, digital media and society: challenges for communication research. Sintaxis, 111–123.
Author Biography

Roberto Alejandro López-Novelo, Dr., Universidad Anáhuac México

Coordinador del área académica de investigación de la Facultad Comunicación de la Universidad Anáhuac México. Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales con Orientación en Comunicación por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Maestro en Comunicación (UNAM) y Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación (UNAM). Estancia posdoctoral en Big Data y Comunicación Política en el Observatorio de los Contenidos Audiovisuales (OCA), Universidad de Salamanca, España.


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