Power, legitimacy and urgency of social responsibility of organizations through advertising for sustainable development

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Raúl Santos Morales, Dr.


The social responsibility of organizations has always been questioned as it is seen mainly as a strategic advantage or as a competitive advantage and is rarely seen as an authentic commitment to improve the ecological, social and economic conditions of certain communities or of the planet itself. Using the theory of stakeholder identification and salience of interest groups, a content analysis was carried out on the power, legitimacy, urgency and social responsibility approach of the advertising campaigns of organizations as opposed as Coca-Cola and Greenpeace, finding in general that all of them have a focus on social responsibility as a competitive advantage and as an authentic organizational commitment, although one of them seems to be engaging in a strategic advantage approach, but in particular, there is little urgency in the projects of a civil organization like Greenpeace, unlike a mega corporation like Coca-Cola that knows how to adapt to the urgent problems of each locality. A broader analysis can show how legitimacy, urgency, power and social responsibility are manifested through advertising for sustainable development of other types of organizations.


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How to Cite
Santos Morales, R. (2021). Power, legitimacy and urgency of social responsibility of organizations through advertising for sustainable development. Sintaxis, 96–110. https://doi.org/10.36105/stx.2021edesp50aniv.06
Author Biography

Raúl Santos Morales, Dr., Universidad Anáhuac México

Licenciado en Publicidad y Maestro en Diseño Gráfico. Doctor en Comunicación Aplicada por la Universidad
Anáhuac México. De 1997 a 2006 trabajó en diversas agencias de publicidad para más de 2 000 marcas nacionales y transnacionales. Actualmente es profesor investigador del Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada (CICA) de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad Anáhuac México.


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