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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS), hence all manuscripts sent by authors must be entered in this system. For this, the authors need to register and send their articles together with the Letter of Originality and the Authorization for public communication of literary work (signed and in pdf) in the same submission.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • The text is 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs).
  • The entire manuscript double spaced.
  • Include full front page
  • Name a corresponding author and include their contact details (postal address, email address).
  • Numbered pages
  • Include abstract in English and Spanish (with titles and keywords)
  • Make sure that all table and figure references in the text match the table and figure files you send.
  • Include all figures and captions, tables, images, etc. on separate pages at the end of the document.
  • Include declarations of conflict of interest, even when there is no conflict of interest to declare.
  • Check that all the citations of the text are in the list of references, and vice versa.
  • References according to the Vancouver format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references. In case you have it, include the DOI as a full URL link, for example:
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines.
  • Obtain the necessary permissions for the use of material subject to copyright, also for material that comes from the Internet.

Author Guidelines

Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare is the official body from the Research Centre in Health Sciences (CICSA from its acronym in spanish) from the Health Sciences Faculty of Anahuac University Mexico. As a multidisciplinary journal, six-monthly periodicity and open access. The journal accepts to publish basic, clinical and epidemiologic scientific research papers. Papers are published addressing the following areas: medicine, nutrition, odontology and physic therapy and rehabilitation. The paper´s evaluation includes a peer review process (double blinded) with the participation of well recognized authors on their respective investigation area of specialization, warranting to meet the highest and most rigorous scientific standards of quality.

Papers forms

  • Editorial commentaries*
  • Letters to the editor*
  • Original research
  • Review article
  • Short communications
  • Case reports

*Invitation only. Manuscripts at the request of the editorial team, prior desired format express indication.

Every submitted paper must be original or unpublished as well as not being submitted for simultaneous publication in other journals or publishing houses

 Editorial commentaries

This section is dedicated to the analysis and debate of Health Sciences topics of public interest.

Letters to the editor

In this section there are both included commentaries from previously Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac journal published papers and opinions about the content of the journal

Original research

Outcome reports from original basic, clinical and epidemiological researches that contribute to the advance of medicine, nutrition, odontology, biotechnology and physical therapy and rehabilitation related aspects, including those involving experimental animal models.

The paper must contain the following headlines: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion, with a maximum length of 4,000 words (26,000 characters with spacing approx.), excluding bibliography, summary and figure/foot notes. A maximum of 6 tables/figures will be admitted, it´s advised not to surpass the 40 bibliographic references. Besides, it´s desirable that the research protocols, whose outcomes emanates from, are approved by their respective Research and Ethics Committee, the approval must be pointed out in the materials and methods section. Furthermore, a copy of the verdict emitted by the Research and Ethics Committee that approved the research protocol must be sent through the respective submission section.

Review Articles

Review projects that contribute to the progress of any field related to medicine, human nutrition and dietetic, odontology, biotechnology and physical therapy and rehabilitation. Maximum length: 6,000 words, counting a summary with no specific conformation of 250 words, their respective keywords and as much as 70 bibliographic references. Up to 4 figures and/or tables will be admitted. It´s advised not to surpass 4 authors per paper.

Narrative review articles include topics that have seen significant development or progress in recent years, with comprehensive depth and balanced perspective. The reviews should present a complete description of the state of the art (it should not be a summary of the literature), as well as present a point of view or debate on the following: a) Different schools of thought or controversies, b) Concepts and fundamental problems, c) current research gaps, d) potential developments in the field.

They should have the following format:
1. Summary
2. Introduction
3. Subtopics relevant to the topic
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion.

Systematic reviews must conform to standard methods (f. ex. Cochrane). ( o o PRISMA (

Short communications

Clinical, experimental or epidemiological findings and outcomes presented in a shorten form that due their relevance and special traits (reduced number representations, preliminary outcomes of particular significance, descriptive epidemiological studies, etc.), merit immediate release. For this format, the recommended maximum length is of 2-3 pages, 1,500 to 2,500 words approx. counting or not figures/tables: a maximum of 15 bibliographic references as well as the original papers specifications. It´s advised not to surpass 3 authors in this format.

Case report

Reports of one or more clinical cases of exceptional observation that contribute substantially to the knowledge of any field related to medicine, nutrition, odontology or physic therapy and rehabilitation. The maximum length of the text will be 5 pages (4,000 characters with spacing), 2 figures/tables and 10 bibliographic references.



The manuscript must be written using the Word program, the recommended font for typing is Times New Roman or Arial, 12 points, line spacing of 2, margins adjusted to 2.5 cm.


This journal is published in English language.

Original paper structure

The text must be presented in two separate documents with the following structure and order:

A. Cover
B. Text 


  • Heading with a maximum of 40 characters (including spacing and letters).
  • Author’s names in desired published order; if both last names are registered, a mid-hyphen is needed to link them.
  • Authors academic degrees.
  • Affiliations and institutions involved in the project. Include affiliation data of each one of the authors underneath their names (name and address of the institution where the investigation took place, city and country of the institution). Point out the affiliations using a lowercase letter in superscript at the end of each author last name. The selected letter must precede the institution data, complete address, phone number and e-mail address of the correspondence author.
  • Provide the ORCID code (alphanumeric code that connects scientists and authors, working as a digital identifier of professional information). Must include the full address, example: 8734-5231. You can sign up using the following link:


  1. Heading
  2. Summary (English and Spanish)
  3. keywords (English and Spanish)
  4. Introduction
  5. Materials and methods
  6. Statistical analyses
  7. Results
  8. Discussion/Conclusions
  9. Conflict of interests
  10. References
  11. Appendix/annex
  12. Tables, figures, footnotes, etc.


1. Heading

Heading with a maximum of 40 characters (including spacing and letters). Note: do not include cover information.

 2. Summary

Written in English and Spanish. The following formats require a summary: original papers, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Maximum length of 250 words. Structured along with the following text order: 1) Introduction, 2) objectives, 3) materials and methods, 4) results and 5) Conclusions. The summary must provide the background of the study, signify the objective of the study, the basic proceedings (inclusion criteria, adjustments, measuring, analytic methods), principal outcomes (providing the specific effect size and, if possible, their clinical and or statistical relevance) and major findings. Must point out the newer and relevant features or observations of the study, report important limitations and avoid overinterpretation of conclusions.

3. Keywords

Include a maximum of six keywords by the end of the summary, written in English and Spanish, avoiding broad and plural terms as well as multiplicity of concepts (like the use of "and" or "the"). Keywords are used for indexing purposes.

4. Introduction

Provide the background or basis for the study (the nature of the problem and its relevance). Observations, the formulated hypothesis examined by the study or the specific objective of the research must be addressed precisely. Quote only the relevant references; without including data or inferences from the study being presented.

5. Materials and methods

Provide enough details in order to reproduce the proceedings. If already published, summary and reference of the methods shall be included. In case of performing verbatim extracts, the text should be placed between quotes also including a reference to the original source. All modifications done to previously published methods should be clearly outlined. This section should be sufficiently detailed in order to, other people with access to the data, be able to reproduce the results. Include only the available data by the time the research protocol was written. Must contain the statement (letter or established format by your institution) that indicates the approval of the study by the respective revision committee (national or institutional). If nonproper ethics committee is involved, a statement should be added pointing out it respected the established principles of the Helsinki Declaration.

6. Statistical analysis

Describe with enough detail the statistical methods in order to allow an acknowledged person with access to the original data, judge its adaptation for the study, and verify the reported outcomes. When possible, quantify the results and define the proper measurement bias, or uncertainty indexes (f. ex. confidence intervals). Avoid depending completely on trials of statistical testing as the p value that falls short in determining the effect size and the accuracy of the projections. Establish the statistical terminology, abbreviations and symbols. Specify the statistical software and the used versions.

7. Results

Report the outcomes clearly and succinctly, with a logic order, without a detailed discussion of their meaning. This results description should be complemented with tables or figures in the text, pointing out only the relevant findings. Do not repeat every data included in tables or figures in the text, summarize and include only the utter relevant findings. Provide data regarding the primary and secondary outcomes identified in the materials and methods section. The supplementary, extra material and technical details can be published in an accessible annex, without interrupting the text outflow.

8. Discussion/conclusion

 It’s useful to start the discussion summarizing the major results briefly and exploring their possible mechanisms or explanations. Point out the new and relevant aspects of the study and provide the background of these findings. Report the study´s limitations and explore the implications of the inferences for further investigation as for the political or clinical practice. When needed, discuss the influence or associations between variables like sex and/or gender over the outcome as the data limitation. Do not repeat detailed data or another info previously given in other sections of the manuscript, like the intro or the results section. Relate the findings with the study objectives to avoid jumping into conclusions not supported by the results. Try to distinguish between the clinical and statistical meaning of the results to avoid statements regarding economical benefits, unless the manuscript includes proper data and analysis to support that kind of statements. Keep from claiming priority or allude to unfinished work. Develop new hypotheses when justified making clear it’s a hypothesis.

9. Conflict of interests

This section should include specially detailed and complete information. By the end of the text, under the subtitle conflict of interests, every author should state financial data and any personal or institutional relationship that may unduly influence over the study. This type of conflicts includes: employment, consultancies, stock ownerships, payment of fees, paid expert testimonies, patents or patent applications and travel grants all of them within a 3 year span previous the submission of the study. If there is no conflict of interests, the authors must declare there are none.

10. References

  • The Vancouver system should be used for references.
  • For this purpose, arabic numerals should be included in the text by the quote's appearance in a consecutively order (1,2,3,4...). The numeric quote will be presented in the text with the corresponding number in superscript, example: ...text.8 
  • For articles that have the DOI, at the end of each reference, the complete doi address must appear (…) and with the link.
  • Example: Dan Li, Zhicheng Zhu, Xiaomei Zheng, Weitie Wang, Rihao Xu, Kexian Liu. Gemella morbillorum endocarditis of pulmonary valve: a case report. J Cardiothora Surg. 2016; 12:16. Https://
  • The bibliographic listing will be placed at the end of the manuscript following their respective order.
  • If used properly, bibliographic managers can ease the task; managers like EndNote, EndNote Web, Ref Works, Mendeley, etc. EndNote references must mimic the NLM's International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines: Recommendations for the writing, report, editing and academic publishing in medical journals.  Sample References (


Journal article 

Enlist the first six authors followed by et al. (Note: The U.S. National Library of Medicine now enlists all of the authors).
Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jul 25;347(4):284-7. 

More than six authors:

Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002;935(1-2):40-6. 

Online Journal articles 

Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 Jun [citado 2002 agosto 12];102(6):[alrededor de 1 p.]. Disponible en: 

Books and other monographs

Autor(es) personales 
Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002. 

Author editor and/or compiler 

Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. 

Book chapter 

Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113. 

Conference proceedings 

Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumour Conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002. 

Homepage and web sites [Internet]. Chicago: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; c2016 [citado 2016 Dec 27]. Disponible en: 


11. Appendix/Annex

 Should be listed A, B, etc. If more than one.

Measurement units

Length, height, weight and volume should be expressed in metric units (meter, kilogram or liter) or their multiples and decimals. Celsius degrees are mandatory for temperature measuring. Blood pressure units corresponds to mercury millimeters. Publishers may ask authors to include alternative units other than the IS by the fact they are not universally applied. Drug concentrations may be given in IS or mass units, but the alternative must be placed in brackets where needed.

Symbols and abbreviations

Use only common abbreviations; not standard use of them may confuse the readers. Avoid using abbreviations for the study title. In each first mention, the spelled abbreviation followed by the same one in brackets is needed.  


12. Tables, figures, figures captions, etc.

Tables must show succinctly and efficiently the study information. They also need to provide in every level of detail and precision the desired information. In order to reduce the manuscript length, it's advisable to report the results in tables or charts better than in the text body. To avoid mistakes, its useful to import them to a layout software (Word). Tables must be numbered consecutively as the quoting order from the text and provide a title to each one. The headings should be short but clear, allowing to understand its content without going back to the text. Also, each column must have a shortened heading. Each explanation must be placed in a table note or in the heading. Explain every abbreviation in footnotes and using symbols (alphanumeric characters or symbols as *, +, ‡, §) to explain the necessary information. Identify the variation of statistics measurements as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. Tables must be included in separate pages at the end of the manuscript.


To submit printed images, they must be drawed or professionally photographed or, on the other hand, submitted on digital format. For radiologic imaging, clinical diagnosis imaging, pathological anatomy sampling photographs and microphotographs, send imaging files in high definition. Photographs that shows a procedure process of before and after, must be taken under the same intensity, direction and color of the ambient light, given that such markers are important proof in many scientific papers. Therefore letters, numbers and symbols must be large enough to keep it legible when the figure is reduced during publication. Headers and detailed explanation should be included in captions not over the own illustrations. Microphotographs must have scale internal markers. Symbols, arrows or letters used must contrast with the background. Explain the scale and identify the staining technique of the microphotographs. Must be consecutively numbered in the quoted order of the text. If a figure has been previously published, identify the original source and provide the written permit of the copyright holder to reproduce. Permits from the publishing house and independent authors are required unless the document is of public domain. The illustrations captions must be written on a separate page, identified with the respective arabic numbers selected for each illustration. When symbols, arrows, numbers and letters are used to identify part of the illustrations, clearly explain each of them in captions. All the captions must be attached in a separate page at the end of the text.

Figures captions

Phrase a footnote to each of the figures and reassure there’s none missing. This note must contain a short heading and a description of the figure preceded by an appropriate tag, for example. "Figure 1". Also include every abbreviations and symbols definition used in the note. These notes should be placed at the end of the text.

 Authors are asked to inquire the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines to elaborate scientific papers, available on:



The manuscripts will be sent through the web platform Open Journal System (OJS) on the following web page:

The authors need to register and send their contributions accompanied by the letter of Originality and the Authorization for public communication of literary work (article) signed and in pdf.

 The author shall sign a letter of authorizing the journal to reproduce the manuscript to be reproduced in electronic format.

 1. Originality letter

 All authors and co-authors must sign it and provide their data.

 2. Authorization for public communication of literary work (article)


Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare does not charge authors fees for submitting, processing and / or publishing articles.

The manuscript submission system will guide you step by step through the process of entering your manuscript details and attaching the files. The system will create a single pdf document with all the files that make up the manuscript to perform the peer review process. The corresponding author will receive information about the review process of his manuscript via email.


Editorial commentaries

This section is dedicated to the analysis and debate of Health Sciences topics of public interest.

*Invitation only. Manuscripts at the request of the editorial team, prior desired format express indication.

Letters to the editor

In this section there are both included commentaries from previously Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac journal published papers and opinions about the content of the journal.

Original Research

Outcome reports from original basic, clinical and epidemiological researches that contribute to the advance of medicine, nutrition, odontology, biotechnology and physical therapy and rehabilitation related aspects, including those involving experimental animal models.

The paper must contain the following headlines: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion, with a maximum length of 4,000 words (26,000 characters with spacing approx.), excluding bibliography, summary and figure/foot notes. A maximum of 6 tables/figures will be admitted, it´s advised not to surpass the 40 bibliographic references. Besides, it´s desirable that the research protocols, whose outcomes emanates from, are approved by their respective Research and Ethics Committee, the approval must be pointed out in the materials and methods section. Furthermore, a copy of the verdict emitted by the Research and Ethics Committee that approved the research protocol must be sent through the respective submission section.

 Every submitted paper must be original or unpublished as well as not being submitted for simultaneous publication in other journals or publishing houses.

Short communications

Clinical, experimental or epidemiological findings and outcomes presented in a shorten form that due their relevance and special traits (reduced number representations, preliminary outcomes of particular significance, descriptive epidemiological studies, etc.), merit immediate release. For this format, the recommended maximum length is of 2-3 pages, 1,500 to 2,500 words approx. counting or not figures/tables: a maximum of 15 bibliographic references as well as the original papers specifications. It´s advised not to surpass 3 authors in this format.

Case report

Reports of one or more clinical cases of exceptional observation that contribute substantially to the knowledge of any field related to medicine, nutrition, odontology or physic therapy and rehabilitation. The maximum length of the text will be 5 pages (4,000 characters with spacing), 2 figures/tables and 10 bibliographic references.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided through this website will be used exclusively for the purposes established in our Privacy Notice.

By submitting this information, I give my consent for the personal data that I provide to be processed, for as long as is appropriate, by the Universidad Anáhuac México, a private institution of higher education that operates in its South Campus through the Universidad Anáhuac del Sur, SC, and in its North Campus through Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores, SC, only for the purposes established in their comprehensive privacy notices, which I state that I know and that were previously made available to me at the internet link: