This issue addresses highly relevant issues whose central axis is informed consent that responds to the process of transmitting information from the doctor to the patient regarding the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment with a view to whether the patient accepts or rejects it. This issue presents serious and academic discussions as well as proposals for conducting this process ethically and truly reflecting an understanding of the information.

However, we also find others of great interest, such as the dilemmas that arise from the intervention of biotechnologies in the human body and the always constant reflection on human pain and suffering.


Introduction: p. 337


Principles and regulations for the evaluation of clinical research funded by the pharmaceutical industry in Ethics Research Committees in Panama: p. 375

Bioethical reflections on the consent of persons with disabilities in health decision-making: p. 425

Reflections on pain, suffering and own existence: p. 463

The perfection of vulnerable lives. Genetic modification and disability: p. 519

Analysis of informed consent in cancer patients: a proposal for a decisional algorithm: p. 569


The Legalization of Abortion in Mexico City: Towards a Dignity of Women?: p. 587


Published: 2021-04-05