Postmodernity, technology and human communication
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The link postmodern technology/human communication has in mass media, TV, cinema, the internet and its derivatives, uncensored publications and advertising tools of educational distortion and community health. Postmodernity influences social organization and culture with its dichotomy rationalism vs. irrationalism. The Kantian vision of science, morality and art for a fairer, freer and happier society crumble in the attempt to «overcome modernity ». Cybernetic society bureaucratizes and impedes man’s freedom. Mass media and the communication society have not generated a more transparent or self-aware society, but more complex and chaotic. Subject-object and public-private dichotomies make the individual oblivious to his life, an element of science fiction, immersed in a virtual process that displaces him to electronic worlds. In the ecstasy of communication, the medium
predominates with its dispersion over the message, scientific knowledge is oriented to technological development and power, highlighting its linguistic aspect that does not prevent more and more from being talked about and written worse. The impact of mass media drives antisocial behaviours and «the search for intense sensations» to placate emotional states stemming from the existential vacuum, frustration and vital dissatisfaction of certain populations. The persistence of alienating, self-aware and realitydistorting disclosure does not encourage the development of a healthy personal, linking and social function.
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