Bioethics and gender: analysis from human vulnerability

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María Elizabeth De los Ríos


The article addresses the relationship between bioethics and gender ideology based on the notion of vulnerability. Thus, it is affirmed that the second puts the person in a situation of greater vulnerability by lacking an ontological foundation that sustains it and, therefore, from this could be derived, unethical practices for those who are included in any of the residual groups of it. Therefore, it is initiated on the origin of the gender ideology to, subsequently; locate the most frequent problems that arise, in the field of Bioethics, based on anthropological and social vulnerability. Finally, the role of Bioethics in the intervention of vulnerable populations, vulnerable within the frame of the issue of gender is rescued.


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How to Cite
De los Ríos, M. E. (2019). Bioethics and gender: analysis from human vulnerability. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 30(4), 1317–1336.