How NaProTechnology compares with Assisted Reproductive Technology

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Pasquale Gallo
Joseph Tham


The progressive medicalisation of infertility in the last three decades has corresponded to an increasing diffusion of the Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) which have nearly completely concealed other more physiological, less risky, inexpensive and equally effective approaches to infertility. This paper tries to show how a systematic and integrated approach, such as NaProTechnology (NPT), which aims at optimising the physiological conditions in each menstrual cycle to allow a natural conception, seems to be a better solution for the treatment of infertility from ethical, medical, social, legal and environmental points of view. Governments should promote and finance NPT, and at the same time, medical and scientific societies should design studies to fairly compare NPT success rate, costs and complications to traditional ART.


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Gallo, P., & Tham, J. (2022). How NaProTechnology compares with Assisted Reproductive Technology. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 33(1), 205–238.


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