Global Bioethics: ¿New arguments on animals’ rights?

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José Enrique Gómez Álvarez


The article addresses some recent variants of the arguments in favor of possible animal rights. To achieve this objective, a convenience sample was made from 2017 to the present of articles using the Google Scholar that will address both concepts. From the sample (first 40 search results) we selected those that summarized or presented some novel argument around the topic. After the analysis, basically two arguments were found that can be presented as novel, but when analyzing their assumptions, it was concluded that they present the same ontological assumptions as traditional arguments such as those of Peter Singer.


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Gómez Álvarez, J. E. (2022). Global Bioethics: ¿New arguments on animals’ rights?. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 33(1), 123–161.


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