Price promotions and their relation to consumer purchasing decisions

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Carlos Gabriel Colín Flores


In this paper, the relationship between price promotion and the consumer purchasing decisions to a sample of 258 participants, that bought durable goods at department stores in Mexico City, with and without price promotions, was studied. The methodology used for this research was the association analysis by contingency tables and the variance analysis. Both techniques were useful to identify the consumer profile who bought durable goods with a price promotion, finding that consumers sensitive to price, are those that purchase products under price promotion, moreover that women and low income population segments are the major buyers of products in promotion. Another finding was that the consumers purchasing products in promotion have a better knowledge and recall of the prices of the goods purchased.
The findings of this study could be applied for the retailer firms that sell durable goods, in order to be more effective with sells in promotion addressing the communication to the group of consumers sensitive to purchasing price promotions products and, in the other hand, the results of this research could be taken as a reference for future studies.


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How to Cite
Colín Flores, C. G. (2018). Price promotions and their relation to consumer purchasing decisions. The Anáhuac Journal, 18(2), Pág. 57. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Carlos Gabriel Colín Flores

Carlos Gabriel Colín Flores cursó estudios de Ingeniería Química en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); hizo una maestría en Administración en el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México y diversos diplomados en la Universidad Iberoamericana, EGADE del Tec de Monterrey, EGADE- Kennan Flagler School de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte, Chappel Hill, además de cursos de especialización en estrategia y pricing en la Wharton Business School de la Universidad de Pennsylvania y la Graduate School of Business de la Universidad de Columbia, entre otras. Tiene grado de doctor en Administración (organizaciones) por la UNAM. Ha sido ejecutivo de empresas como Coca-Cola Femsa, Grupo
Peñafiel, Grupo Cuervo, Grupo Resistol, entre otras. Es catedrático en el programa de MBA de la Universidad Anáhuac México en el campus Norte y Sur, y profesor en temas de pricing e inteligencia de mercados en el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Actualmente, es director general de administración de la empresa ZD Logística y Negocios, consultor independiente y profesor investigador en la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad Anáhuac México.