Portal de revistas de la Universidad Anáhuac México
  • The Anáhuac Journal

    The Anáhuac Journal is an international scientific journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Universidad Anáhuac del Sur, which is published in the months of January and July.

    It includes articles product of investigation and studies with original results that treat problems of economy and businesses, as well as subjects linked to them; also, reviews of doctoral theses, books and critical notes.

    The Editorial Board, with the support of a wide portfolio of national and international arbitrators, specialized in the issues that are published, anonymously evaluates the work received to evaluate its publication and the result is unappealable.

    The content of the articles and reviews that appear in each issue is the responsibility of the authors and does not compromise the opinion of the editors.

    The papers submitted for publication must be academic and comply with the guidelines included at the end of the journal.

  • Iuris Tantum

    Iuris Tantum is a semi-annual publication edited by the Legal Research Center of the Law School of the Universidad Anáhuac México.

    It is a magazine with a multidisciplinary vocation, and its objective is to contribute to the dissemination of high impact research and reflections in the areas of law, social sciences, public administration, political science and strategic intelligence; Likewise, it contributes to the dissemination of specialized literature through reviews and critical notes.

    Unpublished works received are subjected to a strict review process by anonymous peers, specialists in the relative topics. The entire editorial process is managed through the Open Journal System platform, which ensures the transparency of the process and the quality of the publications.

    The magazine was founded in 1986 and since then it has been published continuously on an annual basis; in this its fifth period, it has been chosen that the periodicity is biannual.

    The receipt of articles for opinion and probable publication by Iuris Tantum is available continuously. The average processing time for manuscripts is six months.

  • Revista de Medicina y Ética

    The Journal Medicine and Ethics is an international journal of Bioethics, Deontology and Medical Ethics, edited by the Faculties of Bioethics and Health Sciences of the Universidad Anáhuac México. Began its publication in April 1990, and it has been published since then without interruption, being the first publication on bioethics in Mexico. As of 2017, it is under the format of free online access.

  • Sintaxis

    Sintaxis. Revista científica del Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada is a publication by the Research Center for Applied Communication (CICA) of the School of Communication at Universidad Anáhuac.

    It is issued biannually and is aimed at researchers, academics, professionals and communication scholars.

    The magazine’s mission is to publish articles originating from the work carried out by researchers around topics of interest for the development and improvement of society, culture, democracy, technology, innovation, institutions, organizations; also that they contain a communicative view set on social reality where knowledge and the views of different disciplines may converge, but highlighting the essence of communication, which emerges from each problem that is researched.


  • Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare

    Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare is the official body from the Research Centre in Health Sciences (CICSA from its acronym in spanish) from the Health Sciences Faculty of Anahuac University Mexico. As a multidisciplinary journal, six-monthly periodicity and open access. The journal accepts to publish basic, clinical and epidemiologic scientific research papers. Papers are published addressing the following areas: medicine, nutrition, odontology, biotecnology and physic therapy and rehabilitation. The paper´s evaluation includes a peer review process (double blinded) with the participation of well recognized authors on their respective investigation area of specialization, warranting to meet the highest and most rigorous scientific standards of quality.

  • +Ciencia

    +Ciencia es una revista de divulgación científica, cuya finalidad es actualizar a los lectores en temas relacionados con los avances científicos y tecnológicos de las diferentes ramas de la Ingeniería y ciencias afines.

    Los artículos que integran las secciones de la revista son preferencialmente escritos por estudiantes de licenciatura y posgrado de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Anáhuac México.