Therapeutic adherence in patients with chronic non-communicable diseases: diabetes, hypertension and obesity

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Robertha Mendoza Reyes


Background. Chronic non-communicable diseases, particularly diabetes, hypertension and obesity, are diseases whose prevalence worldwide and in Mexico have taken on pandemic dimensions, since, despite the different clinical models of care applied, which are mainly based on nutritional and pharmacological treatments and lifestyle change recommendations, prevalence continues to grow. Identifying patient and health system barriers that affect the- rapeutic adherence for disease control will allow the development the development of programs with greater effectiveness and efficiency. Objective: To carry out a review on the barriers of Therapeutic Adherence of patients with diabetes, hypertension and obesity in first level care clinics. Method: Bibliographic review, searching the PubMed, Science Direct, Springer, Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Google Scholar databases. Three types of primary sources were reviewed: systematic reviews, clinical trials, and review articles. For the search strategy, the terms Therapeutic adherence, barriers to therapeutic adherence, chronic non-communicable diseases, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension were used. The period selected for the bibliographic review is from 2005 to 2020. Results: There are different barriers to compliance with therapeutic adherence that do not allow the control of the disease. These barriers may be specific to the patient, but also specific to the health system that provides the service, emphasizing the role of physicians in educating and guiding the patient regarding their disease and helping to adhere to it. To identify these barriers, there are different instruments, which have been designed for different diseases, so to select the appropriate one, the disease and the profile of the population in which the questionnaire will be applied must be considered.


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Mendoza Reyes, R. (2022). Therapeutic adherence in patients with chronic non-communicable diseases: diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 32(4), 897–945. (Original work published September 21, 2021)


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