The debate in Bioethics Cost of health benefit. Is only a communication problem?

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Giuseppe Batimelli, Dr.


It was bringing up and prevail, in some government decisions, the communication to the patients and his relatives about health benefit’s costs by the Italian health system. The National Bioethics Committee’s stance advised against financial communication of the treatment’s costs, unless it has been requested by the patient. At the bottom of this problem there are utilitaristic and pragmatic criteria that produce detriment against the fair valuation of an- cient, ill or handicapped person. These criteria propel the me- aning of good like the biggest commodity and smaller pain. That situation influences more and more social principles like common good and public interest. The central point of this work is the va- lue and respect for the human life and the appropriate considera- tion of quality of life.


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How to Cite
Batimelli, G. (2021). The debate in Bioethics: Cost of health benefit. Is only a communication problem?. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 25(2), 203–214. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Giuseppe Batimelli, Dr., Italian Catholic Physicians Association

Internist, Specialist in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Specialist in Endocrinology, National Vice President for Southern Italy of the Association of Italian Catholic Doctors


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