A life for Bioethics

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Paulina Taboada


The article pays a tribute to Cardenal Elio Sreccia (R.I.P.) through a biographical profile and a brief sketch of the intellectual itinerary that lead him to the proposal of the model of an «ontologically founded personalist bioethics», for which he is widely known as the founder and main transmitter. His personality is described as wise and approachable, who deeply marked the lives of his collaborators and students. The relevance of his legacy is shown through its wide international diffusion and its potential to enter into a fruitful dialogue with other contemporary bioethical models.


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How to Cite
Taboada, P. (2020). A life for Bioethics. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 31(4), 775–788. https://doi.org/10.36105/mye.2020v31n4.02
Author Biography

Paulina Taboada, Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, Santiago, Chile

Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, Santiago, Chile. Email: ptaboada@med.puc.cl. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2803-1282


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